Join us April 17-19 for the BioLogos national conference, Faith & Science 2024, as we explore God’s Word and God’s World together!

Published on March 17, 2016

What's the Point?

In this video series we’ve taken a whirlwind tour through questions people have about evolutionary creation: from the age of the earth and evidences for common ancestry, to biblical interpretation and theological controversies.  


In this video series we’ve taken a whirlwind tour through questions people have about evolutionary creation: from the age of the earth and evidences for common ancestry, to biblical interpretation and theological controversies.  

This is the tenth and final video in a series of short videos to help introduce topics for those new to the Christianity and science conversation. See entire series.

In this video series we’ve taken a whirlwind tour through questions people have about evolutionary creation: from the age of the earth and evidences for common ancestry, to biblical interpretation and theological controversies.  We’ve said that the issue of origins is not a core doctrine of the Christian faith, so it should not divide Christians. But we do see it as an important issue for showing the church and the world the harmony between science and biblical faith.

The overwhelming majority of evangelical Christians say science has a mostly positive effect on society.  And considerably fewer religious people think science and faith are in conflict than do non-religious people.  Yet Evangelicals also overwhelmingly reject what scientists have discovered about evolution and the Big Bang.  Underlying these statistics seems to be the belief that Christians have their own version of science, and that is good and true; while “secular” science is is seen as godless and wrong.

Look at the position this puts people in: Many feel forced to choose between accepting the best science of today, or accepting evangelical Christian faith. At BioLogos we want to show that you don’t have to choose between these two.

There are actually lots of scientists who are Christians–men and women who fully affirm the central doctrines of the faith and are recognized as first-rate scientists.  And all scientists today, whether they are Christians or not, are building on the work of committed Christians in the past who ushered in modern science out of an explicitly religious impulse.  Science is science, whether performed by Christians or not.  Of course some people interpret the results of scientific work in ways that can challenge faith.  But these interpretations are not the science itself.

At BioLogos, we see the results of science not as threat to our faith, but as revealing more about God’s created order; we encourage further exploration of the natural world, knowing that whatever results we find, all truth is God’s truth.  And we can use those results for the glory of God and the advancement of his kingdom, whether that is developing cures for disease, caring for creation, or simply praising God for the wonders of his good world.